I'm not engaged anymore. That's kind of a bummer but not nearly as bad as it sounds. I guess we never expected the pressures that being engaged would put on our relationship and we kind of decided to take a step back and really look at things before making the leap into marriage.I'm in the process of being promoted at work. The paperwork has been filed and not it's all just going through the necessary bureaucratic procedures. I was offered a kind of default promotion three months ago on the basis that they were hiring new people into the level above me who had no experience doing the job. I turned it down because I wanted to know I'd earned it. I know, I know. It matters to me.
After taking a break from running after the last Hood To Coast, I began trying to change my style of running again to a more POSE style. I've been running in Nike Free Runs as the Vibram five fingers just felt like they had too little padding and protection for what I wanted. I just felt uncomfortable and fragile in them. I know it's a matter of perception but perception is important as a lot of running is mental preparedness and toughness. In short, the switch has been awesome. I've become much less competitive as I delve deeper into my thirties so starting slowly and carefully into the new style was much easier. I'd tried once before and had seriously injured myself by being over zealous.
I also switched to running almost all of my runs on dirt. Trail running every weekend in Tilden Park has been amazing. It's beautiful, full of hills (which I love), and the dirt has a greatly reduced impact on my body. When I'd been running on cement I'd found that I was plagued by calf cramps after just a couple of miles. These went away entirely when running on the trails. Sure, I've taken a couple of nasty spills that have sidelined me for a couple of weeks at a time but I honestly feel like that is part of the allure. If you lose concentration or if you lose control, you could eat it and eat it hard. If you are injured, you are on your own to get back to where you started. That makes it sound more hardcore than it is, especially in Tilden where you're never more than a mile or two from your car. Also, the worst injuries I've suffered to date have been a couple of severely stubbed big toes and some scraped up skin.
When running on the trails, the scenery, the obstacles and the occasional claustrophobic corridors of trails keep the mind occupied, taking away the monotony that would let my mine wander to the tightness of my breathing or the strain of my muscles. It's a challenge. It's a game. It's the first thing to get me interested in racing again for years. Sure, I've raced within the last couple of years but this makes me really want to race; makes me desire challenging myself against terrain, other racers, and my own will.
I don't know how frequently I will update or maintain this blog in the future. If I put a schedule or a timetable to it, I will be less motivated to stick with it. I guess that's just the way I am. I've never liked being told what to do, even by myself.