Friday, July 5, 2013

Hood To Coast Sound System: Part 2

In the last installment, I rambled on about road racing safety and audio setups for music loving runners. In this installment I will share with you my Hood To Coast 2013 solution. This solution has not been road tested because, well, I think it would annoy the crap out of the other people on the trails and the folks in the neighborhoods.

First, the sub-structure: I'd needed a new hydration belt because the belt I was using sucked. I guess I wasn't even really using it. The couple of races I'd busted out on had been hellish as I'd tried to keep the thing cinched around my waist, with the water inside of the bottle and not all over my ass and without getting a rash. Failed on all goals. I doubted any hydration belts were worth a damn and had no hope that the one I'd ordered on Amazon would do anything but suck. I was wrong.

Meet the Nathan Speed 2R Hydration Belt:

This belt is comfortable, easy to adjust and it stays put. I've taken it out on many jostling trail runs and it just stays in place. No cinching it around my ribcage, no adjusting it as it makes an orbit around my body every mile. Strap it on (a little low in the hips) with the stretchy but comfortable velcro strap and you're good to go. It has a funny metal disc in it that looks like it would hurt but you won't feel it. That's the magic. That makes it so everything can move in a way that keeps this thing from driving you nuts. At least that is how I like to imagine it.

Add the AYL Mini Speaker:

I didn't but this strictly for Hood To Coast. In fact, I didn't buy it at all, I put it on my Elfster wish list and got it for Secret Macabee. (Yes, my life is culturally diverse.) My friend had recommended it to me for camping trips. Just charge it up in the car with the USB and it pumps out big sound (you'll be amazed of what it can do). I use it outside regularly while I wash the car, rake leaves, dance around my pagan altar, whatever. It's awesome.

Plus the MP3 player of your choice and you've got a soundsystem booming from below. I should note that the way I have it linked above, it costs more that the Road Noise Vest which my brother has purchased and is happy with. I, personally, did not pay as much as the price Amazon lists above for these items (well, the speaker was $20 but the belt was only $30). So there are good options out there. The true test will come on race day. Hopefully I'll be in the same van as my brother so we can compare and contrast.

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